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How To Keep Up With The Tech Industry

Fast moving, exciting, dynamic, and confusing to the point that you can be on board with a trend one minute and find that it has been usurped by a brand new development the next.  There are many ways that individuals who are interested in the tech industry can keep up with everything that is happening within it.
Before we explore these, we’ll look at the reasons why people might need to keep in touch with the tech landscape.

Be Informed

It is easiest to look at this from a personal and from a business perspective.
At the personal level, someone might want to keep up with the technology industry because they’re looking for news about when the next smartphone from their favourite brand is being released, or because they’ve been saving up for an innovative new product such as Google Glass.
From a business perspective, companies might be interested in how the industry is performing from an investment point of view, and individuals like Brett Lankester might have an eye on what they can do to facilitate their business taking advantage of technology to a greater extent.
Everyone has their own motivations and reasons for keeping up with the technology industry; how can they do it.

Industry Websites

This is the easiest thing to do. Simply carry out a Google search for technology websites, pick your favourite three or four, and you’re ready to go. You might need to do a little more research than that, as the technology industry is so huge that there are many sub-sectors and areas where you might have an interest, and certain websites might not feature these to any great degree.
Tech Radar and Wired are among the most popular tech industry websites.
As well as looking specifically at the tech industry, you might look at business websites like Bloomberg Business Week, who carry profiles on businesses like ACPI Investments who might invest in the industry, as well as looking at companies, including Apple and Google, who make their money purely from technology.

Social Media

In the modern world and with the access we all have to the internet 24/7 thanks to smartphones and tablets, using social media to keep up with any industry is a no brainer. When it comes to the world of technology, using social media to keep up with it is almost an essential thing you have to do.
After all, social media is one of the most influential technologies in the world today. Breaking news makes it onto social media before it finds its way onto websites most of the time, meaning you’re going to miss out if you’re not where the action is.

RSS Feeds

Using an RSS reader is an easy way to keep up if you’re not a fan of social media and want the days news brought to you rather than you having to visit a website. Download an RSS App to your laptop or phone and get everything downloaded to be read offline, and you can read the latest tech news whenever you need to.

Author Bio:
Lisa Bell is an entrepreneur who is passionate about technology, and is always finding the time to keep up to date with the latest news from the industry. She has four children and lives in London with her partner.