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Top 10 Threats To Cloud Computing

With omni-channel availability and accessibility through any device capable of web browsing, cloud computing allows individuals and organizations to be flexible and scale their IT software and infrastructure according to their preferences and needs.
However, similar to any kind of technology, cloud computing has its threats. The following are the top 10 threats in cloud hosting and technology.

1. User Abuse:

- Signing up with a cloud computing service can be an easy process. In numerous instances, the service providers, especially those who are new in the industry, are offering free services or for a limited trial time.

- Business organizations must consider their risks as a result of insufficient validation, anonymous registration, and fraudulent services.

- The best thing to do is to check the background as well as review comments before signing up with any cloud computing service provider.

2. Transformation in the Business Model:

- Cloud computing changes the way IT services are provided. Far away from the delivery of services from on-site locations, storage, servers and apps are delivered through external cloud service providers.

Individuals and businesses must take a closer look into the risks associated with losing control of the IT infrastructure. 

3. Unsecure Platforms:

- Basically, Application Programming Interfaces (API) are used to manage, establish and keep track of services. Unfortunately, APIs are vulnerable to threats and risks caused by systems downtime caused by attacks, bugs, or user malicious interference.

- Choose a platform which has a strong defence system against all such foreign attacks.

4. Data Leakage and Loss:

- With infrastructure resources on the network, business organizations must consider getting a service provider with ready authentication systems that provide access to data.

- Businesses must also learn more about data encryption, procedures for data disposal and business continuity.

5. Shared Technology:

- Cloud computing allow several organizations to store and share data on their servers, but the conventional operating systems and server hardware were probably designed for using a single tenant.

- Businesses must make certain that proper controls are in place to secure the data.

6. Account Hijacking:

- You must understand that even the highest level of cloud computing platform is still vulnerable to account hijacking.

- Basic internet registration systems, fraud schemes, and phishing can allow a hacker to gain control of your account. A good way to avoid this is to change passwords regularly.

7. Cloud Users:

- Anyone who gains access to the cloud can be a threat. In using the services, users may click links in email, visit phishing websites, and even download malware to your network.

- When installed, the malware has the capacity to launch attacks against your internal platform.

8. Risk Profile:

- For most cloud service providers, the focus is on the benefits and functionality, and not too much on data security. Without the proper updates for software, firewalls and intrusion prevention, your business could be at risk.

9. Web browsers:
- In the past, hackers used to launch attack against operating systems. But recently, hackers have changed their point of attack to internet browsers.

- By taking advantage of vulnerabilities in the browser, hackers can gain access to the same apps and data that the user can access.

10. Insider Attacks:

- One of the advantages of cloud hosting and technology is that your business doesn’t need to learn all the technical aspects of how the services are provided.

- The process, keeping track of users, and physical access to the platform, and other crucial business processes are very transparent to the network. However, without full understanding of the process and control over the network, your platform can be at risk for insider attacks. 

Author Bio:
Josephine Clark is a Cloud and Mobile Technology enthusiast and an avid writer. Other than working at QuickBooksCloudHosting DotNet, she actively participates in various forum discussions, writing blogs and articles on topics like latest mobile apps, updates of Operating systems, Cloud hosting services such as QuickBooks hosting, etc.