6 Tech Companies You Wish You Worked For

It can be difficult to find the perfect employment opportunities when you want to work in the tech industry, as very few people leave their jobs out of choice. This means vacancies are hard to come by, and your success often comes down to whom you know, rather than what you know. Even so, if you’ve got the qualifications and experience needed to seem appealing to these household brands, there’s no harm in sending your CV away for their perusal. Who knows; if they like that they see, you could be offered a killer position that could seriously change your life. Sometimes you just have to grab the bull by the horns and take control of your own destiny.

Considering that, today I’m going to mention a number of companies that you might like to check out. You will have heard of most of them before, but there could be a couple you’re not aware of, and so this post will help to educate you and perhaps broaden your horizons. Just remember, if you have sufficient skills and enough self motivation to see ideas through to the end, there’s nothing stopping you from starting your own tech firm and bringing original products to market. While this will require a lot of hard work, if you fail to find a well-paid position with any of the businesses I’m about to list, it could be the best solution available. So, don’t rule it out completely just yet.

Here are some tech firms you should be watching very closely…


Had it not been for Bill Gates and the company he started during the 1980s, I probably wouldn’t be sat typing this article today, and you almost certainly wouldn’t be reading it. Microsoft gave us the first truly operational personal computers, and while they’ve take somewhat of a backseat in recent times, they’re still one of the most exciting and innovative businesses in the world. If you check their website from time to time, you’ll see various vacancies listed, but most will require you to uproot and move to the US. Still, will wages like that which this firm offer, you’ll easily afford the relocation.

First Solar

Here’s a firm most of you probably won’t have heard of yet, but you most definitely will at some point over the next ten or twenty years. First Solar has been designing and manufacturing solar panels since long before the recent public interest occurred. Again, their HQ is in America, although there are depots and factories all over the world. This means the chances of you gaining some form of employment with the company are pretty high, so long as you have either desirable engineering qualifications or indispensable experience. As soon as governments start to wind down oil and natural gas giants, those producing this product will begin to make billions in profit every single year.


Regardless of how many different computers you may have at home, most of them will have at least one component made by this industry leader. While they market themselves as a semiconductor manufacturer, it’s their processors that attract the most interest and make the most money. There are plenty of different roles you could fill for a business like this including: designer, computer scientist, tester and many many more. Just as a side note, it might be worth mentioning that the average Intel employee earns more than double that of the average Microsoft worker. Perhaps this gives you some idea about just how innovative this company really is. Check your laptop, it probably has a sticker with their logo on.


There is almost nothing this firm doesn’t, or isn’t willing to do. You will have heard of them many times over the years, as much of their work has received attention from industry media and even the international press. You’ve only got to check out some Ausenco reviews and case studies to see how varied and wide ranging their operations are. Everything from environmental studies to the design and construction of pipelines for oil companies are undertaken on a daily basis. So, if you really want a job that never gets boring, and that is guaranteed to pay you a healthy salary, you’d be a fool not to look at getting in touch with this company.


Over the last ten years, Apple has successfully taken the baton from Microsoft, improved upon their systems, and effectively cornered both the home computing, and smartphone markets. Indeed, it is estimated that eight out of ten people you pass walking down the street will have either an iPhone in their pocket, or some other cool Apple product at home. Things don’t stop there though, and this company is constantly working on new ideas for future releases, which means working for them could put you at the cutting edge of modern technology. My advice? If you ever see a vacancy advertised by Apple, even if they’re just looking for someone to make the tea or open the mail; you have to apply.


Last, but by no means least, we come to perhaps the most successful business in the world at the moment: Google. Currently, the company employs thousands of people in varying roles all over the planet, and it’s constantly expanding into new marketplaces. No matter what your skills or talents may be, there’s definitely a suitable role to be found with this company, or one of the other’s they’ve recently purchased. Indeed, Google even bought the cutting edge robotics firm Boston Dynamics a few months ago, and they specialise in creating autonomous machines, mainly for military application at the moment. So, whether you’re a savvy web designer or you just want to be on the front line when the first real terminator comes to life, there’s not a better business to work for.

Well readers, now you know about some of the coolest and most desirable tech companies in the world, you should be ready to start sending your CV and hopefully getting some interest back. Obviously, there’s a lot of competition, so just be patient.

Thanks for reading.

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