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Amazon One - Amazon's first ever branded air cargo plane

I’ve had the great pleasure to be on our operations teams for more than 17 years with a ringside seat to Amazon’s culture of innovating on behalf of customers. For much of that time our operations teams have been focused on our fulfillment centers and core supply chain processes, creating the capabilities required to enable the world’s largest selection with fast free shipping for Prime members.
Now, we see the same opportunity to innovate in transportation. I'm very excited to introduce Amazon One, a Boeing 767-300 that is our first ever Amazon branded plane which will serve customers by adding capacity to support one and two day package delivery in the US. Adding capacity for Prime members by developing a dedicated air cargo network ensures there is enough available capacity to provide customers with great selection, low prices and incredible shipping speeds for years to come. Over the next couple of years, we’ll roll out 40 planes just like this one.

We couldn’t think of a better place to unveil Amazon One than in our own backyard at Seattle’s most iconic summer festival, Seafair. This weekend we have the great privilege of flying Amazon One in the airshow in the time slot just before the Blue Angels! For those of you in Seattle we encourage you to come out and see the show as Amazon One flies over Lake Washington between 1:15 and 1:40 Friday-Sunday.

Source Amazon

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