Surface Studio - A brilliant screen for your ideas, from Microsoft

Surface Studio is designed for the creative process. The 28” PixelSense™ Display gives you a huge canvas for all kinds of work. Use it upright, or draw on it like a drafting table.

Surface Studio, with its strikingly large and incredibly thin 28” PixelSense™ Display, lets you visualize ideas as you paint, edit, and design. Then watch those ideas leap off the screen with 13.5 million pixels of true-to-life color and clarity.
Surface Studio is a device created around you and your thoughtfully designed workspace. The minimal and modern design sits perfectly on your well thought out desk, with clean lines and a small footprint.
Designed for the latest version of Windows, Surface Studio takes advantage of every innovation, including Windows Ink Workspace. Just click the Eraser Button on Surface Pen to bring up all of your Inking apps.

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