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Codex Scanner by Baron Fig

Codex Scanner by Baron Fig - Hashtag, back up, and share your notes and photos

Codex is our new app designed based on feedback from our analog notebook customers. As more notebooks are filled up, the struggle becomes one of finding where that particular note or sketch is. Codex isn't just a scanner, it's your notebook (and, if you like, your photo/document) library.

Everything is organized by hashtag, which is particularly useful for notebooks because of the myriad of content we have on any one page. Rather than have to decide which folder a page goes in you can add as many tags as you like. Example: A webpage wireframe and logo idea sketch on the same page—simply tag the page as #wireframe and #logo rather than select a single folder.

This version has been in-use here at Baron Fig for a while now, we're excited to push it live. It's already made my notebook shelf much more accessible (it's all in my pocket now), and the features we have planned are exciting.

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