Hewlett Packard Enterprise acquires Cloud Cruiser

Hewlett Packard Enterprise acquires Cloud Cruiser, a software company that helps businesses monitor cloud spending

What started out seven years ago as a blank business plan with no name, no product, no customers and no money has grown into an amazing company with incredibly talented employees who care deeply about each other and are passionate about Cloud Cruiser. I still laugh when I think of our first employees accepting written job offers for a company that didn’t exist! Through the hard work of these and future Cloud Cruisers, we built what is widely viewed as the industry’s best product and earned the hard-fought business from some of the most demanding IT customers across the globe – Microsoft, TDBank, NTT, Ford, KPN and of course HPE, to name just a few.

So it is with great anticipation that we embark on this next phase of our Cloud Cruiser journey with HPE. In many ways, it is familiar territory. Our relationship with HP started in 2010 as they became our first partner, first product integration, and our first joint customer win. Fast forward a few years, and HPE is now one of Cloud Cruiser’s largest customers, utilizing Cloud Cruiser to power Flexible Capacity, a consumption based, pay-as-you-go service. Over this time, our teams worked together collaboratively, which I only expect to deepen as we become one.

Image credit: Investopedia

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