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Facebook will suggest more articles for you to read in News Feed

Facebook shows Related Articles and fact checkers before you open links

Facebook: One of our main goals is to support an informed community on Facebook. This includes helping people have conversations about the news and giving people more ways to see a more complete picture of a story or topic.

This work is important to us, so we’re building new products and exploring ways to improve our existing ones. In 2013, we launched Related Articles to help people discover new articles they may find interesting about the same topic. These articles appear in News Feed after people read an article.

Today, we’re beginning to test Related Articles that might appear before you read an article shared in News Feed. These additional articles, which appear for topics many people are talking about on Facebook, will appear in a unit below the link. That should provide people easier access to additional perspectives and information, including articles by third-party fact-checkers.

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