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Facebook Builds Google AMP and Apple News Tools into Instant Articles SDK

Facebook's Instant Articles to begin supporting Google AMP and Apple News format, after several publishers pulled out of the platform due to poor ad revenue 

Facebook: We’ve continued to have meaningful conversations with publishers as part of the Facebook Journalism Project to better serve the needs of news publishers and readers on Facebook. Media executives told us about the challenge they face using multiple platforms to share their stories – more distribution formats create more content management costs. And developers who attended our Facebook Journalism Project Hackathons in New York and London also asked for a way Instant Articles could support other major publishing formats.

To address this, we’re excited to introduce an extension to the open source Software Development Kit (SDK) used to build Instant Articles; the SDK will now also build content publishable as Google AMP and, soon, Apple News articles.

The updated SDK transforms the markup publishers use to create Instant Articles to generate the code needed to build these other formats, removing what we’ve heard can be a resource-heavy step in publishing on multiple platforms. With an easy way to get from one markup format to another, publishers can then plug-and-play the markup in their content management systems or third party publishing tools.

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