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How to improve your wifi network safety

Is your home Wi-Fi network secure? Most people tend to be reluctant towards improving their Wi-Fi security. Only big companies and corporations are keen on ensuring they use a secure network. Nevertheless, if your Wi-Fi is not secure, then you are vulnerable to computer hacking.

Without a Wi-Fi router, there can be no internet connection in your house. It is because it is linked with the gadgets you use such as computers and iPads. In the case that your network is not secure, hackers can easily hack it and have access to all your information.

Trust me; you wouldn’t like it if someone starts blackmailing you or uploads deadly viruses to your devices. No one would like their personal information to be out in public. They also interfere with your browsing speed, and this is quite annoying. You can avoid this by following the tips below.

How to Improve and Secure Your Home Wi-Fi network?

  • Avoid Using Routers from Internet Service Providers
These kind of routers are not secure to use because it is tough to edit their original settings. Instead, buy a high-end router such as AC-88U (labeled by many as the best router for 2017). It is an expensive wifi router, to be honest, but this money will make your wifi network future-proof.

  • By Changing the IP address of your wifi router
Almost each and every router shares the same IP address. Hackers are aware of this fact, and because most people never bother to change it, they can easily obtain entry into your network interface. You can edit the IP address of your router by changing it in the Local Area Network setting. Now you will be accessing the internet by using a different IP address.

  • By Changing the Router’s Admin Password and Username
When you purchase a new router, both the password and the username is usually ‘admin.' Now, most people often ignore and never remember to use a unique password and username. Therefore, this makes hackers to limit or change your surfing speed easily. You can take a step in ensuring Wi-Fi security in your home by using special characters, both capital, and small letters. In other words, you should use a password that someone can’t guess easily.

  • Totally Avoiding Saving of Passwords in Your Web Browser
Most browsers ask to remember your password when you log into a particular account such as your mail or Facebook. I know you think it’s very convenient because every time you log in you won’t have to type in a new password. But, by doing this, a hacker will have direct access to those accounts once they attack your computer.

  • Frequent Updating of the Firmware of Your Router
Some routers update their firmware automatically while others don’t. If yours doesn’t, it’s recommendable that you regularly update it manually. New firmware comes with more secure software ensuring Wi-Fi security.

  • Mac-Filter devices that connect to your network
You can secure your Wi-Fi by adding the IP addresses of the gadgets you frequently use in your home. You can use the Mac filter option which will limit unknown devices from connecting to your routers. The advantage of using Mac filtering is that it also restricts connection of other devices even if they are familiar with your password.

  • Encrypting your password to AES
You can access this option in your router setting by changing the password to WPA2 then activating the encryption to AES. By doing this, a hacker won’t be able to access your Wi-Fi.

  • You Should Turn Off the WPS.

When your Wi-Fi protected setup is on, other devices can easily access your router without the password. The only requirement is for them to press the WPS button in their devices.

Using the above tricks will ensure you beat hackers at their own game. Your WiFi network won’t only be safe but also fast as it should be. It’s not a must for you to be a computer genius to use these tricks.

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