Pinterest updates Lens feature w/ QR code support, multiple object recognition, more

Pinterest adds visual search guides to its Lens and promotes its head of discovery engineering Vanja Josifovski to CTO role

Since Pinterest Lens beta made its official debut, lots of you have been giving it a try—in fact, the number of Lenses has tripled in the last month alone. Along the way, we’ve been learning from your helpful hands-on teachings, listening to your feedback and tinkering behind the scenes to improve the whole point-tap-whoa experience.

Lens has always been able to pick out different elements in whatever scene you point it at, but now it’s even easier to search between multiple objects. Now when you Lens your friend’s head-to-toe street style, or their living room, you just tap a guide to narrow your search and dive deeper into specific ideas.

Image credit: 9to5mac

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