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Google releases Android O Developer Preview 3 with final APIs

Android O Developer Preview 3 rolling out to Pixel/Nexus w/ final APIs, Play Store publishing

Make your app compatible with Android O

With the consumer launch approaching in the coming months, a critical first step is making your current app compatible with Android O. This will give your users a seamless transition to the new platform as it arrives on their devices.

If you haven't tested your app for compatibility yet, getting started is straightforward -- just enroll a supported device in Android Beta and get the latest update over-the-air, then install your current app from Google Play and test. The app should run and look great, and it should handle the Android O behavior changes properly -- in particular pay attention to background limits and changes in networking, security, and identifiers.

After you've made any necessary updates, we recommend publishing the compatible version of your app to Google Play right away -- without changing the app's platform targeting.

Enhance your app with Android O features and APIs

Extending your apps with Android O features can help you drive more engagement, offer new interactions, give users more control and security, and even improve your app's performance.

Notification channels and dots give you more ways to surface new content to users and bring them back into your app. Picture-in-picture keeps your app onscreen while users are multitasking, and autofill makes it simple for them to enter forms data and helps keep their data secure. Also check out adaptive icons, XML font resources, downloadable fonts and emoji, autosizing TextView, AAudio API, and many others. You'll also want plan your support for background execution limits and other important changes in vital system behavior for O apps.

Visit the O Developer Preview site to learn about all of the new features and APIs and how to build them into your apps.

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