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Uber Freight schedules loads for truck drivers in six more states

Uber expands Uber Freight beyond Texas to California, Arizona, Chicago, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina and updates driver's app

Ever since we launched with a large focus on operations in Texas, our team has been looking for new and innovative ways to make the day-to-day lives of truck drivers better. We’ve helped carriers and their drivers haul everything from water to oranges to furniture, and we’ve been blown away by the community’s feedback. Our carriers and their drivers love Uber Freight’s transparency and fast payment.

As more and more motor carriers begin to incorporate Uber Freight into their businesses, our goal is to continue to put them first. To do that, we’re constantly learning — which routes they like to drive, what loads they prefer, and where they want to go — and taking that information to build a better product.

Today we’re announcing two updates that we believe will bring a better freight experience to tens of thousands of drivers: we’re expanding our focus into new markets across the country and introducing personalized load matching.

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