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Ford and Lyft announce partnership

Ford and Lyft announce partnership to develop and test autonomous vehicle designs and tech, with aim of putting Ford's self-driving vehicles on Lyft's network

FORD: There is no doubt self-driving vehicles will have an impact on how people and goods will move more efficiently in the future. But the magnitude of that impact — and how quickly self-driving vehicles can benefit society — will largely depend on businesses, government and the public working together.
Today, we’re announcing a significant step toward bringing self-driving vehicles to the masses thanks to a new partnership with Lyft that will help both companies progress toward a more affordable, dependable and accessible transportation future.
As we at Ford continue making progress on developing self-driving technology — through our self-driving vehicle and Argo AI’s virtual driver system — we are simultaneously building out the infrastructure and systems necessary to make it easy for people to use our service. Think of it this way: Someday, when you open the Lyft app during a period of high demand, Ford and Lyft software will need to be capable of quickly dispatching a self-driving vehicle so that you can get to your destination as quickly and as safely as possible.
And that’s where our work with Lyft begins.

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