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Box unveils Box Skills

Box unveils Box Skills, AI-powered tools that help users manage audio, image, and video files  

More data will be created in 2017 than in the last 5,000 years combined. The digital age has brought with it a proliferation of new platforms, applications and devices that are fueling this unprecedented creation of business content. In fact, Gartner predicts we'll see an 800% growth in data volume in the next five years — 80% of which will be unstructured.

But here's the thing — there’s so much value living within this content that businesses aren't able to realize today through manual processing. And as the amount of data continues to grow, it’s getting harder, costlier and more time-consuming to make sense of it all.

We believe that machine learning is the only scalable way to solve for this challenge. While the rate of innovation in machine learning is staggering, until now, these nascent technologies have been hard to bring to business content at scale. So we're kicking off BoxWorks 2017 by bringing the intelligent technology revolution to your business.

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