IBM and Google Team Up to Tackle Developer Security Challenges

Google, IBM, and others announce Grafeas, an open-source API that gives users a standardized way for auditing and governing their software supply chain

Building software at scale requires strong governance of the software supply chain, and strong governance requires good data. Today, Google, along with JFrog, Red Hat, IBM, Black Duck, Twistlock, Aqua Security and CoreOS, is pleased to announce Grafeas, an open source initiative to define a uniform way for auditing and governing the modern software supply chain. Grafeas (“scribe” in Greek) provides organizations with a central source of truth for tracking and enforcing policies across an ever growing set of software development teams and pipelines. Build, auditing and compliance tools can use the Grafeas API to store, query and retrieve comprehensive metadata on software components of all kinds.
As part of Grafeas, Google is also introducing Kritis, a Kubernetes policy engine that helps customers enforce more secure software supply chain policies. Kritis (“judge” in Greek) enables organizations to do real-time enforcement of container properties at deploy time for Kubernetes clusters based on attestations of container image properties (e.g., build provenance and test status) stored in Grafeas.

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