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Intel and Amazon partner on voice recognition tech

Intel and Amazon partner to release a new development kit enabling Alexa voice-control capabilities in third-party smart home devices

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing are beginning to bring the full potential of smart homes into focus. As these technologies continue to learn and improve, many of the tasks of running the home will eventually be automated to provide peace of mind and enrich daily life. In fact, a recent Intel survey revealed 68 percent of Americans agreed that living in a home with smart devices would make their lives easier.1
Consumers are beginning to show an increasing readiness to welcome speech in the smart home. Look at smart speakers and personal assistants: This year, 35.6 million Americans will use a voice-activated smart home device at least once per month, eMarketer estimates – a 128.9 percent increase over 2016.
Intel, in collaboration with the Amazon Alexa Voice Service* (AVS), is making it easier for third-party developers to accelerate the design of consumer products featuring AVS. Today, Intel announces the Intel® Speech Enabling Developer Kit, which provides a complete audio front-end solution for far-field voice control.

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