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Microsoft's new Surface Pro with LTE and 450Mbps downloads out in December

Microsoft says it will launch business-focused Surface Pro with built-in LTE Advanced in December for $1,149+ 

Microsoft: This week at Future Decoded in London we talked to business and IT leaders about the role technology can play in transforming organizations. We are at the edge of a major technology shift towards more intelligent computing – one fueled by the rise of data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. But there is a larger shift happening that is about more than changing technology. It’s about people – how they work, where they work, and the culture that guides and motivates them. Technology is the how not the why.

It’s through that lens that our team builds products, bringing hardware and software together to empower people in this new culture of work. To help people be more creative and more productive, from anywhere. To help them feel more connected to their organization and free from their desk.

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