Snapchat's new context cards let you read reviews, book reservations, and more

Snapchat debuts context cards to let you hail rides, book tables, and more by swiping up on some Snaps; partners include Foursquare, OpenTable, and Lyft

Snapchat: Today we’re announcing a new way to learn more about what you see on Snapchat.
Inspired by something in a Snap? Just swipe up for Context Cards!
Context Cards display information about the Snap you’re viewing – powered by amazing content from our partners like TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Michelin, and goop.
Context Cards also provide a way to take simple actions like calling for a ride with Uber or Lyft or reserving a table through OpenTable, Resy or Bookatable. We’ve also integrated Stories into Context Cards, making it easy to see more Snaps from the places that interest you.
With Context Cards, Snaps have become the visual starting point for learning more about the world, empowering our community to get more information about anything that catches their eye.
The billions of Snaps created each day on Snapchat power products like Stories, Search, Snap Map and now, Context Cards. As we learn more about how to improve Context Cards, we’ll be adding more partners and additional information. Stay tuned!

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