Firefox Quantum gets even faster in its latest update

Firefox 58 arrives on Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux with smoother rendering, faster JavaScript caching, and Progressive Web Apps on Android  

Since January 28 is International Data Privacy Day, it’s a good time to talk about one of Firefox Quantum’s most powerful features — Opt-in Tracking Protection. To jog your memory, we launched Tracking Protection in Private Browsing mode two years ago, which was unheard of at the time. Users could freely browse in Private Browsing mode without worrying about being tracked and getting inundated with ads. Since then we’ve studied Tracking Protection and found that, in addition to protecting their privacy, users actually have a better, faster experience with the web when pages load without trackers. That is why in November we upped the ante in Firefox Quantum and began offering our users the option to turn on Tracking Protection all the time. 24-7.

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