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How to Make Your Home Office More User-Friendly

People working on the computer all day need to have a home office that is comfortable, ergonomic, and gives them access to everything they need during the long hours they spend in front of the screen. Whether you are a web designer and have multiple screens on the go, or an app developer, you will have to arrange your home office in a way that it serves your needs and suits your working patterns. Find out more below. 

Bluetooth Speaker Connected to Your Phone

When you are in the middle of writing website content or designing graphics, you don’t want to stand up from your desk just because somebody happened to call you. You have two options, really. You might get an online phone system set up that automatically answers your calls for you, or a Bluetooth speaker that connects with your phone. The latter is the safest choice of the two, as it doesn’t interfere with the work and programs running on your computer. 

Multiple Charging Docks

If you are using multiple portable devices in your office, such as phones, tablets, and VR headsets and speakers to test your latest games, you will need to have enough safe charging docks and USB ports. Devices with wireless charging capabilities will save you time and hassle. Make use of plug sockets that have USB built in, and keep everything at hand. 

Ergonomic Chairs and Keyboards

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As you spend hours in front of the computer, you will need to make sure you are comfortable, and avoid lower back pain. An ergonomic chair and a seat cushion, maybe a footrest can improve your health, wellbeing, and comfort. While ergonomic office equipment, such as mice and keyboard are not cheap, you can take out equipment finance to upgrade your comfort. Talk to a health and safety expert to make sure you get the right furniture for your home office. 

Adequate Lighting and Natural Light

Image by Max Pixel

You don’t want to strain your eyes more than necessary while working on the computer. Adjust your desk and chair, as well as your screen resolution, and take advantage of natural light. When it comes to artificial lighting, choose LED instead of traditional lights, as they deliver a better and more efficient light than regular bulbs. If your eyes get tired at the end of the day, get an eye test and seek professional advice.

DAB Radio

It is simply not fun to stare at the screen and work on the computer all day without any entertainment. If you prefer music or background noise, you can get a DAB radio that streams all your favorite stations in exceptional quality. Some models come with a remote, so you can adjust the volume or change the channel without leaving your desk.

When you spend most of your time in your home office, you need to tailor the space to your needs. Take advantage of the latest technology, and stay connected, focused, and healthy while working on projects for long hours and staring at your screen.
Image credit: Pinterest

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