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Intel says Meltdown / Spectre patch causes reboots in computers with newer processors too

Intel admits Spectre and Meltdown patches also affect newer Skylake and Kaby Lake chips, with performance impact between 2% and 25%, promises fix next week

Over the past several days, Intel has made further progress to address the exploits known as “Spectre” and “Meltdown.” We are continuing to support our customers through this process and we remain focused on doing so. As we continue these efforts, I would like to express my appreciation to many of our partners, including Dell, HPE, HPI, Lenovo and Microsoft, for joining our Security-First Pledge.

More: Security Exploits and Intel Products (Press Kit) | Security Research Findings (

I’ll be covering two topics in this blog post: our progress in rolling out firmware updates for the exploits, as well as addressing the reboot issue I discussed last week; and initial data from the benchmarking we are doing on data center platforms.

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