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Facebook's Changing the Way Page Reach is Displayed

Facebook will count organic reach impressions only when a Page post actually appears on a person's screen starting next week

Businesses expect metrics to give them a clear understanding of the outcomes that matter most. And as our principles outline, we’re always improving our marketing solutions and investing in what works best for people. That's why we're making two updates to Page Insights to help businesses better understand how their Pages are performing.

Updating reach measurement to capture post views

Businesses use the reach metric in Page Insights to see how many people their posts reach. For Pages, we’ve historically calculated reach based on how many times a post was delivered in News Feed. And for paid ads, we use a stricter definition that only counts reach once a post enters a person's screen.

We previously announced this change, and starting Monday, we will update how we measure organic reach of Pages to be more consistent with the way we calculate reach for ads. This is a change in the way that we measure reach, not a change in News Feed distribution, and other engagement metrics will remain the same. This will provide Page owners with a more precise measurement of their audience and offer a more consistent measurement methodology across both our paid and organic reach reporting. Since this is stricter reporting, some Pages may see lower reach figures than before.

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