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Google releases beta of its open source Flutter SDK for building iOS and Android apps

Today, as part of Mobile World Congress 2018, we are excited to announce the first beta release of Flutter. Flutter is Google's new mobile UI framework that helps developers craft high-quality native interfaces for both iOS and Android. Get startedtoday at to build beautiful native apps in record time.

Designed for both new and experienced mobile developers, Flutter can help you build beautiful and successful apps in record time with benefits such as:
  • High-velocity development with features like stateful Hot Reload, a new reactive framework, rich widget set, and integrated tooling.
  • Expressive and flexible designs with composible widget sets, rich animation libraries, and a layered, extensible architecture.
  • High-quality experiences across devices and platforms with our portable, GPU-accelerated renderer and high-performance, native ARM code runtime, and platform interop.

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