The introduction of the commercial internet 30 years ago meant that a lot of changes were going to happen in almost every sector there is. One of the biggest changes happened in commerce when electronic commerce was introduced as thousands of companies started using the online market to sell products.

Social commerce started in the beginning of the 21st century when a lot of social networks were introduced and new marketing opportunities were created. Millions of people use social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and they have become an integral part for companies since these platforms have become the biggest marketing space ever.

Offsite and onsite social commerce are two types of social commerce, and there are a lot of differences between them. The former uses social media brand pages that are on social platforms and not the actual websites, and the latter is based on creating a social layer on the website.

Onsite social commerce is where retailers use the networks for sharing and other functionality on their website. There are many things that a user can do with sharing their products, allowing them to create a poll in order to find the right products, being just a couple of examples. Another option is utilized by Amazon who allows users to write product reviews for other buyers to see and to acquire a better idea what they are about to buy.

Offsite social commerce includes activities that are outside the retailers’ website. They are conducted by using storefronts, posting products on Facebook, Twitter, and other networks, advertisements, etc.

We can acknowledge that social commerce is a relatively new concept and there are thousands of retailers that aren’t using it yet. Take a look at the following infographic to learn more interesting facts about it.

URL: https://www.16best.net/blog/social-networks-and-their-importance-in-ecommerce-gateways/

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