Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and the New GDPR are Trending Topic at Digital Enterprise Show

DES | Digital Business World Congress 2018, the world's largest international forum on digital transformation, will celebrate its third edition in Madrid (IFEMA) during the 22, 23 and 24 of May. A week where Madrid will become the world capital of digital transformation. More than 18,000 professionals and executives will meet the most innovative products and solutions as well as the skills required to help European SMEs and large corporations join the digital transformation. International firms from the US, India, Mexico and China have chosen DES as their great global platform to present technological solutions to improve competitiveness and discover new business models for companies and large corporations.

With Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, the new GDPR and the Digital Agenda as main trends, DES reunites top tech solutions that are driving the development of new business models such as IoT, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Blockchain or Digital Marketing among many others.

"This edition is designed to go deep in the knowledge required by C-Level executives and leaders of public administration to face a digitization and modernization process of business models. An essential improvement to be increase the competitiveness of our economy," says Lluis Altés, Managing Director of DES2018. "This year we want to highlight the fact that digitization is here and now, that it is unstoppable and we have to prepare ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities it offers to boost the economy," add Altés.

"The digital transformation of the economy," said Luis Cueto, Madrid City Hall General Coordinator, "is a key element for the development of a modern and competitive economy. The digitization of information, processes and transactions is an unstoppable trend that affects all areas of activity and requires government commitment to facilitate the transition from a traditional to a digitized economy. In that sense, the attitude of Madrid City Council is determined and committed."

The AInomics is a new track within Digital Business World Congress in collaboration with SwissCognitive

Artificial Intelligence will be in the spotlight as the main trend during the international forum. The two first days will have an extensive agenda with more than 10 hours of content. Professionals from all industries will be able to gather knowledge and be inspired by latest state-of-the-art AI applications in technologies such as Machine Learning, Automated Reasoning, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, Robotics, among many others.

These conferences are focused on three main areas, starting with the strategic aspects of AI, then showcasing practical applications and concluding with addressing ethical questions around smart technologies.

Among the experts who will participate in The AInomics: Stuart Russell world authority and Leader of the World Economic Forum in Artificial Intelligence, how to implement an AI strategy, the ethical dilemmas that can arise, and how to take advantage of this technology to enhance the development and business profitability; will be the key issues of the lecture. Professor Russell is VP of the Council on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics of the World Economic Forum, among other mentions and honours, is the author of numerous studies and publications and co-author, along with Peter Norvig of the world reference book on AI, 'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach'.

Learning the effects of the new GDPR regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will enter into force next 25 May, one day after DES2018 closes its doors, and will be one of the main issues of this edition. Within the framework of the Digital Business World Congress, the new GDPR law will be addressed from different perspectives such as security, up to a more technical point of view as programmatic level as well as the legal perspective with debates led by experts, and without forgetting others topics such as an marketing focused and its impact on advertising campaigns.

India will be the Guest Country in the third edition of DES

India takes over from Sweden and Israel, countries previously featured in the past two editions. India will be exhibiting its IT solutions and business models that are revolutionizing its business network and have become the main economic driver of the country.

Indian talent and innovation will be the beating heart of this edition of DES | Digital Business World Congress. The country has reached a powerful economic transformation with technology as its leading force, which has changed the perception of India in the international context. Actually, India is now one of the fastest growing IT markets, home to over 4,750 tech start-ups (the highest number in the world after the United States and Great Britain).

First speakers confirmed: 200 conferences in 3 days

The largest World Congress on digital transformation will once again bring up together top knowledge from more than 450 international speakers on Digital Leadership, Cloud, IoT, Cybersecurity, Blockchain or Artificial Intelligence. The only event that congregates more than 120 hours of conferences, combining keynotes with success stories on real tech applications to any kind of industry.

Among the confirmed speakers so far: Stuart Russel, world authority and leader of the World Economic Forum in Artificial Intelligence; Aristedes Mahairas, Head of the Cyber Operations / Cyber Division of the FBI in New York; Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts, Head of IoT Forum Virium in Helsinki with a worldwide example of SmartCity in Helsinky; Arun Sundararajan, expert in digital economy and the impact on the business network of the new models of the so-called Platform Economy; Tamara MacCleary, who will focus her contribution on the future of work and how candidates and employers will be; o Rahaf Harfoush, with a vision of digital anthropologism that addresses the intersections between emerging technologies, innovation and digital culture.

IT industry and business network supporting

DES2018 will be the great annual event for all organizations that are addressing or thinking about facing the challenges of digital transformation. World leaders in the technology industry such as Accenture, IBM, Intel, SAP, T-Systems, Altran or UST-Global have been strategic partners of Digital Business World Congress since its first edition.

DES has the support of the Ministry of Digital Agenda or Competitivity in Spain, the community and city of Madrid, as well as business supporters such as CEOE-CEPYME, Business Europe or the European Commission.

About DES - Digital Business World Congress

Digital Enterprise Show - Digital Business World Congress is the leading event in Digital Transformation that offers CEOs, CIOs, CDOs, CMOs, political leaders and HR departments, and together with the cutting-edge technology companies, the most innovative products and solutions as well as the skills required to help European SMEs and large corporations join the digital transformation. This includes technological solutions to improve the customer experience, operational processes and business models of all industries.

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SOURCE DES - Digital Enterprise Show

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