Why You Should Consider a Degree in IT

Living in the digital age, the IT industry is constantly evolving and changing. If you look around, you’ll quickly realise that we use information technology systems every day, whether we’re at work or at home. For this reason, as the industry grows and the way we use technology continues to advance, a career in IT is a good move. Here is why you should consider a degree in IT.

Many Different Career Paths

Studying IT opens up many different doors since the industry is so diverse and there are many different roles and positions available within the field. It is far more than just fixing computers or getting rid of bugs. There is a wide range of specialisations and those who study IT can enjoy a varied career should they want to. The benefit of studying IT is that as you learn more, you can start to figure out what career path is most suited to you and what skills you most enjoy learning. You could find work programming, networking, desktop support, ICT operations and database management. As well as this, you will have the foundational knowledge to move into other areas of the field should you want. While jobs in IT can be demanding and stressful, most careers in the industry offer a reasonable financial reward.

Room For Growth

As the digital world evolves and technology changes, the IT industry changes as well. The best part of working in an industry that isn’t static is that there are endless possibilities for growth and development with new opportunities opening up every day. Every day there are innovations happening within cybersecurity, big data, social media, cloud storage and privacy which demands IT professionals to step up to the plate. This means working in the industry there is always the chance to learn more and new career paths being forged. Studying IT gives you the knowledge to take on other, more specialised courses that can open up more roles in the industry. For example, if you’re interested in robotics, nanotechnology, software development or gaming, then IT is the perfect starting point.

Work Anywhere In The World

Studying IT gives you the skills to work anywhere in the world. IT specialists are needed everywhere and always in demand. No matter where you are in the world, whether it be South Africa, Australia, the Philippines or Germany there is a need for people who understand computers and how they work. Regardless of the language you talk, if you can understand a certain system and are skilled in your field, the chances of finding a job are promising. As well as this, nearly every company need someone who has IT expertise, whether it be a government agency, an eCommerce business, an entertainment service or local gym. This means you can work in many different industries and services, interacting with different types of people and exploring different businesses all around the world.

Exciting and Dynamic Work

Due to the nature of technology, no two days are ever the same when working in the field of IT. Every day will present new challenges and new opportunities to put creativity and problem-solving skills to the test. An important part of job satisfaction is feeling that you are being pushed to learn more and step out of your comfort zone and you can experience this regularly when working in IT. You will be challenged to find innovative solutions to problems and you will get to see your work in action in real-time, which is rewarding. Your skills can be used to make major contributions to your company, your clients and the business.

High Demand

There are more and more job positions opening in the IT industry all the time but the demand for workers remains high. IT is relevant to all businesses and companies, so no matter your previous experience, chances are there will be someone out there who needs someone with your skills and knowledge.

Study At Your Own Pace

Just as you can work anywhere in the world with IT skills, you also do not need to physically attend university in order to gain qualifications in IT. Many qualifications can be earnt in short online courses that you are free to complete at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home. No matter your current situation, whether you are professional seeking a career change or a young person living rurally, you can start to develop the skills you need to begin the career of your dreams, without compromising your current commitments.

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