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5 LinkedIn SEO Hacks to Boost Your Company’s Profile Views

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms that businesses rely on to reach a myriad of people. Safe to say, it is a platform that can boost the performance of your company when you use it correctly. It is imperative to have a company profile that stands out. After all, you are on LinkedIn to get the best results. If you feel that your company has not been doing so well on this social media platform and you want to boost it to get more profile views, here are some SEO hacks that could help you.

Tip: for all matters concerning SEO, you can rely on tools such as Serpbook to help you get the rankings you desire in different search engines.

1. Finish your profile

When you log into, there are a couple of things that you are expected to do, and one of them entails filling in your details. If you want to grow your brand’s profile views, it is imperative to complete your profile. You should make sure to fill in every section with all there is to know about your company. When it comes to job descriptions, do not mince your words. Fill it like your life depends on it. Additionally, you should upload a professional profile photo that makes you stand out. You are on that platform to make your brand known to the rest of the world and if you have links or samples about your company, ensure to place them there as well. Finishing your profile can’t be hard because LinkedIn has a Profile Strength tool to help you out.

2. Ensure your profile is keyword-rich

A very viable hack to bring more views to your LinkedIn profile has a keyword-rich profile. If you have been dealing with digital marketing, you are well aware of the power keywords play in SEO and rankings. You need to ensure that your profile has a keyword in it. Keywords should be relevant to the type of company. It is imperative to make sure that your job title has a name of what you are an expert in. Doing this makes it easier for users looking to find your product or service. Moreover, you must make sure that the keyword that appears in your job title is written all over your profile. However, the keywords you use should not be stuffed all over your profile. You have to keep it simple and precise. Otherwise, it may look bad, harming your marketing efforts.

3. Create Backlinks

Another hack that could bring more people to your company’s profile is creating backlinks. Backlinks work effectively in SEO, and same is the case with LinkedIn. If you have a blog whose domain is a high authority, that’s better for you. Your profile page needs to be linked from your company’s blog. You could also go with guest posting. When you opt for these hacks, you have to link back to your profile. The results will amaze you because your LinkedIn profile will rank higher. That notwithstanding, getting more views on your profile could increase your score, plus Google might rank you higher, giving you more views among other activities.

4. Name your images

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform that allows you to post images and pictures. If you post a lot of photos in your company’s profile, ensure to name them all. Naming the images will make users land to your profile when they use search engines to look for images. It would benefit you even more if you named the images with your job description. Interestingly, the individuals who land to your profile when they are looking for a specific image don’t get to see the title you’ve given your photo. The title of your image is only available in searches, giving more views to your LinkedIn profile. Ensure to be smart when you go about this.

5. Connect with individuals that you’re unfamiliar with

The beauty with LinkedIn is that it allows you to connect with anybody regardless of their location. If you want to boost your company’s profile views, you should connect with people that you don’t even know. Unfortunately, this is a hack that most users don’t know about. LinkedIn is a social media platform, which means that it was designed to help people connect with each other. When you network, try to establish strong connections with the new people. It is an effective way of building your brand. And a brand that has grown will get more views on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is an effective networking platform that has served as a gold mine for some people. If you have a company profile on LinkedIn and are looking to get more views, you can use one or all of the strategies mentioned in this article. You have to ensure that your profile is rich because it will better attract people. You also have to maximize on keywords so that users can easily find you.

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