4 Apps That Provide a Crash Course For Learning Korean

I read once that Korean is the most difficult language for an English speaker to learn. I’ve been thinking about learning languages lately and I wondered what could make learning the hardest language easier. And then I thought: Apps! Apps are designed to make things easier, even hard things like studying and learning. So, I searched for Korean learning apps and found lots of them, like the ones on this list.

Best 10 Apps for Learning Korean by AppGrooves

I also found some others, and I thought maybe they would help someone out who was trying to learn Korean. So, here are a few that I liked! Keep in mind I gave each one about a day of usage. Nevertheless, it was enough to give my starting opinion.

Learn Korean Free with Learn Korean

First thing I thought to myself is that Learn Korean is very aptly named. It is a pretty simple app, with word-picture associations and flashcards. You can also listen to each word spoken, so you can practice your pronunciation. All in all, I thought this was a pretty solid app for anyone who’s just starting to learn Korean. I found it to be definitely useful if you’re just starting.

This app is for beginners, for sure. The lessons are not very in depth, so if you are an advanced learner, then a different app will definitely be better for you. But for what is and the fact my knowledge of Korean is practically zero, this is a very useful starting point.

Learn Any Dialect with Drops

What I found out in my research for Korean learning apps it that there are lots of different dialects in the Korean language. Basically mini-languages inside the language. So, I thought it was cool that Drops teaches specific dialects when you learn, that way you know you are speaking correctly. I don’t know how deep you want to go with learning, but if you want to understand the nooks and crannies of the Korean language, this definitely becomes useful.

Unfortunately, Drops is not totally free. If you want all of the features, then you will have to upgrade to pro. If you are looking to learn a language for free, I’d suggest sticking with Learn Korean and if you start feeling like you’re ready for the next level, then you should definitely move to Drops.

Get Ready to Travel with Learn Korean Phrasebook

Learn Korean Phrasebook is an app that I thought would be perfect for traveling to Korea! It is basically a dictionary that fits on your phone. If you need to ask the cost of something, or just for directions, you can search for the phrase in this book easily. It does have learning value, but I think the app’s main strength lies in getting the exact phrase on-the-go.

Although this app seems great, there is a small flaw. I found some translations to be a little bit funky. If you are looking for perfection, you won’t find it here. But I think a few mistakes are okay in the grand scheme of things. As I said, if you need a quick app to help you with your visit, this one is great. You might not get it 100% right, but it will definitely serve the purpose of creating an understanding.

Chat with Korean People with Eggbun

With Eggbun, you can join Korean chat rooms and get impromptu tutoring from Korean speakers. I think this is neat because maybe you will even make a friend! Plus, you’ll also learn Korean. So you basically get two for one. I managed to chat with a few people and although I obviously didn’t make long-lasting friends it was fun to see how good my social skills are. I always wondered what should I say first and in a way, it made the overall process fun and exciting.

There are no lessons to this app like the others, so if you are looking to learn Korean in a structured way, you should look elsewhere. There are also occasional server issues since the app is all online, but that is to be expected of any chat room. Eggbun is a solid app and definitely for those of you who love chatting with strangers.

I hope that these apps will help you on your journey to learn Korean, and I hope you enjoy Korea if you intend to visit. Even if you’re just planning to learn for the fun of it, the apps will surely come in handy. Good luck!

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