Aplic.io Announces New Platform to Streamline the Post-Secondary Education and Career Search

Aplic.io is proud to announce the development of its platform to enable students, universities, and potential employers to streamline all steps of the educational and job search process with A-Pass. A-Pass is a universal digital passport with verified credentials, achievements, competencies and employment history that empowers students from all over the world with optimum education and career opportunities, built over the Aplic.io platform.

Institutions can use the platform to review and recruit top global talent around the globe, helping to cut down on marketing and admissions costs. Thanks to the system's built-in verification functionality, colleges and universities can identify which students have the academic records and test scores to make the cut and home in on their ideal entering class.

"Aplic.io helps students and institutions confirm attained skill sets, such as foreign language, computer software, or math, thus forming trust across borders quickly, securely, and with the recordkeeping utility only blockchain technology can provide," says Inna Bogdanova, Founder and CEO of Aplic.io. "In essence, Aplic.io brings all aspects of the university and career search process together to fill in the gaps of the global higher education and student recruitment ecosystem."

According to The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity about 40% of employers worldwide find it difficult to recruit people with the skills they need. A 2017 study by the Productivity Commission found that 20% of graduates are working part-time, while 26% of graduates are working full-time but consider themselves to be underemployed. In addition, a 2017 study from Statistics Canada showed that for both men and women, more than 24% of undergraduates in the arts, the humanities, the social sciences and the behavioral sciences are underemployed.

"With Aplic.io, we are aiming to solve the problem of student and graduate unemployment across the globe and helping employers find the right candidates; with just a couple of clicks, A-Pass users anywhere in the world can apply to a bevy of institutions, embark on the student visa process, get scholarships, work experience and even arrange a full-time employment while they are studying," says Bogdanova. "With A-Pass, by the time of graduation, a student will have a proven and validated track of academic achievements and proof of skills."

The platform goes beyond being a document storage tool. As it does for university applications, Aplic.io also has a job search functionality, connecting job search candidates to internships, part-time and permanent positions across the world. Employers can rest easy knowing the degrees and core competencies of applicants have been squared away and validated by college and former employers.

"All too often, college students are pulled in too many directions, leaving themselves in a mad scramble senior year to search through their hard drives for projects or hunting down professors and internship coordinators for recommendations," says Bogdanova. "A-Pass keeps these documents secure and collated, affording students the opportunity to put their best foot forward to potential employers and grad school committees."

Aplic.io founder Inna Bogdanova and their team of experts have over 20 years of experience in the international higher education market. Together with a team of skilled blockchain engineers and project managers, they are ready to steer Aplic.io ahead as a pioneer in the $2 trillion global educational market.

SOURCE Aplic.io
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