Caliva Announces Cannabis Technology Hackathon

Caliva, the most trusted brand in California cannabis, is making a call for projects to compete in its inaugural hackathon focused on cannabis industry technology.

Caliva has established itself as not only a top producer and retailer of cannabis products, but also a tech innovator. The company's custom-built consumer facing menu software makes purchasing cannabis products more easy and intuitive for the millions of customers that interact with the brand each year.

The company will accept 50 to 75 applicants from a pool of Bay Area engineers, designers and product specialists for the main event in mid-November.

During the event, each competitor will build and present ideas related to the cannabis space, with an emphasis on business-to-consumer technology solutions.

For the purpose of the competition, Caliva will be exposing its unique product catalog API and other services, in order to give developers and designers plenty of cannabis-specific data to explore and build with.

"We could not be happier to be offering this fun and forward-thinking opportunity to Bay Area developers and designers," said Matt McLean, Chief Technology Officer at Caliva. "Our hope for the Hackathon is to bring awareness to our brand and the career opportunities in the cannabis space – as well as potentially getting some amazing new feature ideas for our web and mobile app. We know that the product of this event will be beneficial to both the cannabis consumer and industry at large."

The event will take place at the office of Yeti, one of San Francisco's top development shops.

Caliva will supply prizes for the best applications, including cash and Caliva branded merchandise. As an added bonus, all "hackers" participating in the event will receive complementary CBD-infused products throughout the duration of the competition, courtesy of Caliva.

Sponsors for the event include Headset, Dosist, Kikoko, Kiva, and Papa & Barkley.

Interested in attending the event?
Use code "CalivaVIP"


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