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2018-11-07 Opens Platform to Third-Party Devices and Launches Three New Products

Continuing with its mission of simplifying location based IoT, today announced that its Cloud Platform, including its Cloud Backend and Location and Telemetry API, will open to Third-Party devices. Additionally, released three new Bluetooth products. The Cloud Platform will establish the company as the first modular, end-to-end IoT platform allowing customers to onboard third-party Bluetooth devices for real-time location tracking, condition monitoring and safety and security solutions.

This is yet another step in's commitment to reduce the complexity associated with IoT technologies while improving business outcomes. This will enable customers to quickly and easily onboard third-party Bluetooth devices to the Cloud Platform facilitating countless new business cases to be realized.

"We believe that in order for the IoT to scale successfully in the following years, companies need to spend less time worrying about the technological feasibility and more time focusing on the business outcomes," said Philipp von Gilsa, CEO of "Opening our platform to third-party devices will give customers the ability to choose which hardware is best-suited for which use case without worrying about how to onboard, secure, configure and manage the location and telemetry data of a growing fleet of diverse devices. A proven framework for transforming data into business decisions and the ability to manage applications from the firmware to the API gives significant leverage in this regard. It is a win-win for customers and solution providers alike."

The Cloud Platform interface will display the integrated third-party Bluetooth devices together with Beacons and Tags. Useful data on temperature, humidity, location and more will be gathered, analyzed and ready to be acted upon. This includes non-traditional beacons such as panic-buttons, thermostats, environmental sensors or door locks.

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