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Internet Marketing Firm, fishbat, Discusses 3 Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

As part of their commitment to helping businesses create effective online content, internet marketing firm, fishbat, discusses 3 tips for writing SEO-Friendly blog posts.

Creating a website that is optimized to rank well in search engine results can do wonders for a company's visibility, but it's important that the site is regularly updated with fresh content to keep the brand moving forward. Properly optimized blog posts are a great way to do this - keeping the website active and providing additional value to the consumer.

Listed below are a few optimization guidelines to keep in mind to consistently write effective blog posts.

Optimize Blog Post Length. When writing content for a website, it's important that the articles are long enough to provide value without becoming too long or overwhelming. Content that is less than 300 words may struggle to rank well in search results, but posts that are thousands of words can be difficult for customers to digest.

Google's search algorithm is all about providing search results that offer the most value to the user. The best length for a specific company's posts will vary and there's no single number to provide, but somewhere between 700 and 1000 words is a good place to start. However, testing different lengths and layouts over time is the best way to find the website's SEO sweet spot.

Add Content Regularly. While it's important to optimize each and every blog post, one of the best ways to increase the brand's presence as a whole is to commit to a regular schedule of articles. By adding content frequently and consistently, a company increases opportunities for traffic, thereby increasing opportunities for sales. Even with proper optimization, keeping a website relevant becomes a bit of a numbers game, with consistent postings over a long period of time leading to marked improvements with the website's success.

Link To Previous Content. Blog posts are more effective when they are published regularly to add value to the brand's website. However, publishing a post on its own without linking to other content on the site leaves valuable potential traffic untapped. As a company builds up a collection of posts that link between one another, users will spend more time on the site which leads to more opportunities to secure a conversion.

SOURCE fishbat
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