New Study from Patterson Law Group Reveals the Road Safety Topics Each State Googles More Than Any Other State

Much like ancient artifacts or fossil remains, analyzing Google searches can provide a wealth of insight into a particular group of people at a particular time. Many studies have been conducted to analyze what Americans search for with regards to various topics ranging from pop culture events to Halloween costumes. However, an important topic has been overlooked, until now. Roughly 85% of Americans use a car to get to work every day and every American relies on vehicles for the transportation of goods. Thus, road safety is something that touches us all.

What aspects of road safety do drivers really care about? Does interest for various road safety topics vary by state? Patterson Law Group conducted a study to learn just that.

The firm put together a map of what each state Googles more than any other state with regards to road safety. To find the results, the firm initially compiled over 100 road safety and road behavior topics. The topics were then run through Google Trends to see which states searched for the topics the most. Some of the results were expected, but others were surprising, and somewhat alarming.

You can view the full study here. A few of the interesting top searches include:
Texas – Driving without a license
Oklahoma – Car shooting
Florida – Driving while high
Mississippi – Drag racing
Pennsylvania – Running a red light
New York – Rental car accident

The firm wants to emphasize that just because residents of particular states aren't searching for certain topics with the same volume doesn't mean a topic isn't important for that particular state. Most topics (with the exception of a few) revolve around issues that exist in every state.

"This study was meant to be fun and thought-provoking, but there is also a very serious undertone. We hope this study ignites more national conversations on various road habits and policies," remarked Managing Partner, Travis Patterson. "A majority of vehicle collisions that occur each year are preventable and it's important we keep prevention top of mind to continue to improve road safety for everyone."

SOURCE Patterson Law Group

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