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WayRay releases True AR SDK and teams up with the Reality Virtually Hackathon

WayRay, a Swiss leader of holographic AR displays for cars, announces the launch of its True AR SDK beta and its sponsorship of the Automotive Prize Category at the Reality Virtually Hackathon, to be held in Cambridge, Mass., at the MIT Media Lab from January 17–21, 2019.

The True AR SDK is a set of libraries and tools that allow developers to build, test, and debug AR apps that run on WayRay's in-vehicle holographic AR displays. With the SDK, developers can create and seamlessly integrate virtual objects like safety alerts, navigation elements, and infotainment features into the world around the car, giving users a myriad of immersive opportunities. The toolset complements WayRay's portfolio of holographic AR solutions and intensifies the company's focus on transforming any glass surface into a new medium for information.

WayRay's True AR SDK is a step towards conceptualizing a true augmented reality ecosystem, where developers can create never-before-seen AR experiences for drivers and passengers and make time spent in the car safe and enjoyable.

"Broad adoption of autonomous vehicles will spark a massive variety of AR applications to blend the virtual and real-world environment through holographic AR displays," said Vitaly Ponomarev, Founder and CEO, WayRay. "We aim to create a platform — like an app store with bespoke content for drivers-turned-passengers — that transform the automotive value chain, create new business models, and reshape the whole mobility paradigm."

The True AR SDK beta version contains an API, emulator, simulator, docs, and samples, runs on Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 LTS and macOS Sierra or High Sierra, and supports C++. The SDK is now available for download at

WayRay first announced its plans for a custom software development kit at CES 2018 in Las Vegas, followed by the True AR Challenge for developers and designers, which ended in July 2018. AR enthusiasts from 23 countries shared their ideas for AR apps — from a navigation app for firefighters to a farming assistant and ad-blockers — out of which the jury panel picked the 30 best concepts. The 30 winning teams received their prizes of $2,000–$5,000 and an invitation to join the forthcoming WayRay-sponsored Hackathon.

At CES 2019 in Las Vegas, WayRay is setting up an SDK demo zone, where anyone can experience a live product demo in a VR Headset or try their hand at creating AR apps on the spot. WayRay will also host a series of SDK sessions, which attendees are welcome to join by prior registration at

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