5 Biggest Distractions at Work in 2019

8 hours have passed, you grab your keys and pack your bag.

It's finally time to go home after a long workday, but you realize you haven't accomplished much.

WIth technology and collaborative workspaces, there are plenty of distractions in today's work environment.

Keep reading to learn about the biggest distractions at work and how to combat them. 

#1 Talkative Coworkers

A cubicle-free workplace without private offices is supposed to force employees to collaborate. It was intended to have them talk more face to face, get them off instant messenger, and spontaneously brainstorming about new ideas.

However, it's accomplished quite the opposite. According to a new poll by Udemy and Toluna, 80 percent of people report being distracted by chatty coworkers, the number one office place distraction.

You can deal with this by re-establishing private offices or cubicles, offering alternative workspaces and setting reasonable noise limits

#2 Personal Issues

It's only noon, but you're thinking of your doctor's appointment, your kids' science projects, and the stack of bills on your desk at home.

Outside stressors can be a major distraction at work. According to a PWC study, 33% of employees claim to be distracted by financial issues. 46% of those distracted by financial stress say they spend three hours or more each week dealing with related issues at work.

This cuts into productive hours at work, but Motley Fool shared 5 tips to combat financial stress. 

#3 Meetings

Let's have a meeting about having a meeting because we need to prepare for the meeting.

Sound familiar?

According to a study done by Statista, 56% of employees found meetings to be distracting.

Meetings take employees away from their desk for a considerable amount of time.

Before scheduling a meeting, ensure that it's necessary. In most cases, you may be able to skip the meeting and communicate with your team via email, Slack, or a project management tool like Trello. If a meeting is needed, only invite critical stakeholders, create an agenda, and keep it as short as possible.

#4 Clutter

A messy workplace can affect your ability to focus and process information. Confusion and disorder are essentially a to-do-list that reminds you of everything that needs to be done. It pulls you away from being present, making you more anxious and stressed.

Having a clean and organized workspace will reduce clutter - literally and figuratively. You can even create a serene space with small additions like plants, art, or a calming desktop wallpaper

#5 Smart Phones

The average person in the U.S. views their phone 52 times a day. We’re constantly bombarded with emails, texts, social media notifications, and phone calls. Additionally, we use our smartphones to jot down reminders, view our calendars, listen to a podcast, or go shopping.

Overcoming your reliance on your smartphone is no easy task, but it’s not impossible. Good methods are to put your phone on airplane mode or use the phone's “do not disturb” function. You can also place your phone in another room or leave it in a desk drawer, bag or purse.

Scheduling specific times for a phone break can be beneficial and reduce screen time during business hours. 

Say Goodbye to Distractions at Work

Now that you know the biggest distractions at work, you can use these tips to defeat them.

It's imperative for both employees and senior management to understand the issues that are plaguing productivity in the office.

Self-awareness is always the key to improvement.

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