How to Build Your Corporate Image and Identity

Corporate image and identity act as a foundation for both startups and established enterprises.

For people who are new to these two terms, the corporate identity or image is the way the world thinks about you. It includes the way you handle business, the way you communicate with them, your product packaging, how you take care of issues, and your company values.

Should you have a corporate identity?

You should never lack one. Remember that it is a foundation. If you do not have any, it gives room for the world to define you the way they want. That is one thing you should avoid at all costs because most times, they might regard you in a crude way.

A good corporate identity is one of the factors that could bring in extra profits and help to market your product without any struggle.

Before you begin the process of building the identity of your company, you should be aware of some vital elements that help you build a reputable one. They include:

Your logo


Brand colors



Office décor and furniture

Mission and vision

Branded company assets

Product packaging

With that in mind, how would you end up with a proper corporate identity? What are some of the factors you have to put in mind? Here are things that you should prioritize.

1. Brand strategy matters

You may decide to jump on such a step, but it is ambiguous to start building an identity without having a clear direction.

The strategy breaks down your goals into the brand name, voice, values, and messaging. In

other words, you will be giving your goals a clear and outlined path to follow.

2. Understand the benefits of having an identity

The fact remains, when you understand your mission, then you will experience some benefits.

Some of them include learning to communicate better; your product becomes elaborate, you know how to deal with disasters, among other advantages.

From a client’s perspective, they will know you and everything that concerns you, which eliminates all forms of distractions and confusion.

3. You will have to train your staff

Clients are very particular. You have to be professional when you handle them; otherwise, they may decide to never work with you again.

Therefore, it is vital that you train new staff. By doing this, the newbies will learn how you operate, and the process of dealing with particular situations, especially challenging ones.

4. Have a clear communication process

Many corporates have their individualized communication processes. It all depends on the CEOs or supervisor’s leadership style.

Once you have a transparent communication process, it will be easy for employees to communicate with each other, handle clients, and relay information to their bosses.

5. Create a good marketing strategy

Elements such as the logos and branded company assets go a long way in marketing your company.

During the design process, it is essential that your creative team come up with something that will be impactful, even as the business grows.

Incorporate online marketing through social media and websites as well. Hire an internet marketing agency if you feel that you would require external assistance when it comes to this.


A business with an enhanced corporate identity should stand out from its competitors. It is crucial that you be consistent with maintaining your company’s concept. An inconsistent firm may show signs of being untrustworthy.

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