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A New Smart-Band for Family Entertainment Centers From Level8 Coming 2020

Level8 is excited to announce the planned release of its smart-band technology. The Dallas-Fort Worth-based company stated that the electronic wristband will be the first-of-its-kind available to the family entertainment industry and promises to improve the guest experience by offering a fully integrated solution through both their smart-band and high-tech mobile app.

Rudimentary options, like various colored-paper wristbands that are thrown out after one use, have been used by entertainment centers for years to track participants' time at venues. The Level8 smart-band, developed in conjunction with Active8 Software, promises to provide amusement centers, trampoline parks, climbing and other leisure entertainment venues with a fully integrated solution that vastly improves upon the outdated options currently available today.

The Level8 wristband, called Intelliband, is such a novel concept that it was issued a U.S. patent in November of 2018. The company currently has patents pending in Europe and expects to receive its European patent late this year.

Founding partner of Level8, Greg Spittle, commented that automating the ability to track both employees and guests is a key function of the wristband, but explained that the uniqueness of Intelliband is the integration of gamification, a points system that turns the experience into a game and entices guests to earn points while at the venue.

"Kids will love the ability to gain points for various activities, such as a game of dodgeball, an attempt at a ninja warrior course or racing up a climbing wall."

Greg went on to explain, "Intelliband will track guests' activities, like jumping and climbing, or simply attempting various attractions. Earning points turns the entire experience into one big game, keeping the guests engaged while they're at the facility and driving them back repeated times with the goal of increasing scores and redeeming points."

In addition to gamification and automation, Level8 will incorporate cashless payments into the wristband with the goal of making it easier for guests to enjoy their time at the entertainment center without worrying about cash or cards. The band will automatically deactivate the moment it is removed from the participant's wrist, granting peace of mind to the parents of kids wearing the device.

Entertainment center owners and operators will not only be able to deliver a superior experience with added features and benefits, but they will also have a much more in-depth understanding of where their customers spend time and money. Intelliband will track each individual customer's time at the park, including what attractions they've attempted most, how much money was spent at concessions, gaming and more. The data retrieved by the software will allow operators to tailor their offerings and provide customers with a personalized experience.

Additional information can be found on the Intelliband website.

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