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Look out for These Five Features Before Finalizing a Document DRM System

If you are reading this, you have probably already considered the pros and cons of getting a document DRM system versus sticking to the old document protection techniques like access control and encryption. You have also realized that the move to upgrade to a document DRM system is a sensible investment and you are now considering the various options available to you.

However, you might get overwhelmed with the multiple providers all claiming the same thing: their document DRM system is the best out there. So, it is quite easy to make a choice you will regret. Nonetheless, by ticking the right checkboxes, you can ensure that your investment is worth it.

So, below are five features that the document DRM you are considering should have before you think about parting with your cash:

256-Bit Encryption

There is no need for a document DRM system that employs half measures when it comes to encryption. Computers are becoming faster every day and to be on the safe side you need to pick an option that is virtually impossible to crack by using brute force. While 128-bit encryption is impressive, it does require half the computational power of 256-bit encryption to break. And, with the next generation of supercomputers, this might put it in the realm of the possibility to crack. However, it will be some time before any computer or even a group of them will be able to take on 256-bit encryption.

Watermarks Both on Screen and on Paper

The smartphone is here to stay and with it is one of the most portable cameras ever made. Anyone can now take out a phone and snap a photo and everything you have worked for could be in vain. But, if someone wants to share your privileged information, you can be damn sure they do not want to be associated with the leak because you would then be able to sue them for it. So, as a safety precaution, your chosen document DRM system should have the ability to display the user’s information both on screen and on printed versions of your documents. Also, ensure that this information cannot be tampered with. It might serve as a very effective deterrent to someone taking smartphone photos.

Flexible Permissions

Your employees fall in various tiers of trust. Some are executives who might need an all-access pass, while others fall in the lower tiers and might only need limited access. There are also third parties, such as customers and your legal representation, that might need access to some documents when the need arises. And, if you cannot customize the permissions for each person that you give access to, then you barely have any control at all. You are either giving a person too much or too little access. Either way, it could be detrimental to your company, primarily in the case of your customers and your lawyers.

Some of the permissions you need to consider include the following:

Offline and online use permissions

Document expiry options

Printing options, such as enabling and disabling printing as well as the number of prints allowed

Specific location use

Logging document use

Easy Administration

The permissions mentioned above do not just magically manifest for each document and each user. An administrator has to both input and monitor them. For administrators to do their work well, the document DRM system has to be relatively easy to use. If this is not the case, costly mistakes are likely to be made. To avoid such errors, check that the operation and administration are easy for a DRM system. Also, check out the dashboard of the system to ensure complicated keys and icons are kept at a minimum. Finally, you must effectively train each person before entrusting them with the role of administrator and be able to assign sub-administrator access if need be.

Smooth Operation for the End User

You do not want to go through all the trouble of creating content only for the customer to get fed up with using the proprietary viewing software. You should know that not everybody is tech savvy and, even if they are, they should be able to operate the viewer with relative ease. This includes the opening and closing of documents and printing documents (if you decide to allow that). If they find it too difficult to navigate, they might decide it is not worth the hassle and look for other options elsewhere.


Once you have checked out the above five features, you can look for additional ones that fit your organization’s needs. Of course, there are other considerations, including your budget. Nevertheless, if you consider the benefits a document DRM system gives you, it is probably worth the price.