Self-Driving Shuttle Debuts in Rancho Cordova, California
"One of Olli's greatest assets is her versatility," Matt Rivett, Local Motors executive vice president, said. "Olli was designed with an eye on the future of mobility, knowing transportation needs are evolving in a variety of settings, including within the business community. This partnership with Rancho Cordova is definitely a milestone, and we anticipate that Olli will be embraced as the safe, user-friendly transportation option that she is."
During the three-month pilot project, data will be gathered via rider surveys to understand the public's sentiment regarding self-driving shuttles, the potential for congestion relief and better mobility, the reduction of single occupant vehicle use, and the potential for the use of the latest Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology.
"The partnership between Local Motors, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Basin Street Properties and the City to test a self-driving shuttle in a business park places Rancho Cordova at the forefront of smart mobility and a leader in the region in intelligent transportation and its rapidly developing technology," said Vice Mayor David Sander, who also serves as the chair of SACOG. "We are proud to be the first city to test a business use for Olli."
"The Sacramento Area Council of Governments is thrilled to see the rubber hitting the road as Rancho Cordova launches its autonomous Olli shuttle pilot," said James Corless, SACOG's executive director. "This project was dreamed up in our Civic Lab innovation accelerator program and funded by the SACOG board of directors and private sector matches. We look forward to seeing how innovative mobility solutions can operate in a business park setting, providing a clean, zero-emission transportation choice for workers."
"Basin Street Properties is excited to host Local Motor's self-driving shuttle test at White Rock Corporate Campus," said Stephanie Burlingame, chief operating officer for Basin Street Properties. "We strive to provide the best possible work environment for our tenants, and innovative companies like Local Motors improve the quality and efficiency of how we work and live. We want to incorporate advancements like the Olli shuttle into our properties."
Olli will operate August 7 – November 7, 2019 at the White Rock Corporate Campus. Those who want to experience Olli are encouraged to park at Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive in Rancho Cordova, and walk across the street to the White Rock Corporate Campus. Please register at for a free "ticket to ride" and sign a waiver. A QR code is provided to riders via email, which is scanned when riders board. Riders will be asked to take an online survey while riding Olli.
More information about Olli can be found at and at
SOURCE Local Motors

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