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10 Tips to Expand Your Brand Online

Source: Pexels

If people do not know about your brand, how can you expect them to buy anything from you in the first place? This makes brand awareness an integral part of growing your business online. By making people aware about your brand and its offerings, you have a better chance of increasing your profit.

By learning how to expand your brand online, your business will be in a better position to enjoy success like never before. If you do not know where to start, then you are at the right place.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at 10 of the top tips to expand your brand online. Do keep in mind though, these tips will not generate results overnight, so you will need to be patient and continuously work on tips to spread the word about your offerings.

Be Social

Social media isn’t for sharing links or making announcements alone, it can be a great tool to reach your target audience in order to engage with them on a personal level.

Having customers follow you on social media is not enough, you need to engage with them — answer their questions and ask for feedback. By sharing stories and socializing with your customers in such a way, they will gain trust towards your business. This in turn, will encourage them to try new offerings, even those that will be released at a later date.

Surround Yourself with Influencers

To expand your brand, you can start by paying attention to how others are doing it. It is not necessary for you to reinvent the wheel, so you should surround yourself with influencers from your industry.

Once these influencers are associated with your business, it will help your brand grow by leaps and bounds.

Look into PPC Advertising

To build your brand and gain exposure quickly, look into PPC advertising. Here, you can set aside a budget, which means you will not have to worry about breaking your bank in the process. You can make sure that the message is delivered to your target audience.

It is worth noting though PPC is particularly useful for targeting consumers at the bottom of the funnel. By providing intriguing offers, consumers will check out, and quite possibly buy your products.

Pay Close Attention to Content Marketing

When it comes to brand-building activities, you need to pay close attention to content marketing. With great content, you will find it a lot easier to attract organic traffic.

The content you produce does not necessarily have to be in the form of blogs or articles. It could be in the form of quotes, videos, infographics, and so on.

Enough emphasis cannot be placed on the fact you will need to put out content on a regular basis. This way, your target audience will keep returning for more.

Ensure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

A survey concluded that around 50% of online traffic comes from mobiles. Since people are using mobile phone devices more than ever before, web designers like, are opting for a mobile-first approach first and foremost online searching. Ensure your website is mobile friendly, and is fast enough for mobile devices so that your target audience does not go elsewhere.

Talk about Your Brand’s Origins

People love stores, which should explain why they return to their favorite TV shows every week, or they buy novels.

To elevate your brand, talk about your brand’s origins, as long as it is compelling. Talk about how and when your business started. Explain why you wish to share your knowledge with the rest of the world.

The story does not need to be revolutionary. As long as you have an emotionally-driven story to tell, something your readers can relate to, your target audience may be more than willing to spread the word about your brand.

Understand You Can’t Please Everybody

Most businesses believe they need to have the maximum amount of followers, and that is true for certain industries, like car manufacturers that wish to keep their businesses afloat. However, the same cannot be said for knowledge commerce.

You will fare better with a small, yet loyal, pool of customers that engage with your brand online and buy your products. It is better than a massive social media following that does not guarantee any sales.

Understand that you can’t please everybody, so stick to people that actually share your ideals, beliefs, interests, and values. By doing so, you will be able to expand your brand with intensely engaged customers that want to learn about everything you know.

Benefit from LinkedIn Publishing
When you first start your blog or website, you will not have many readers, because not many will know you even exist.

To drive traffic to your content, you can always count on publishing content on platforms like LinkedIn. The platform already has a massive audience, and by sharing your content on LinkedIn Publishing, everyone on your network can view and share it with their networks. Additionally, people who do not know about your brand may connect with you and find your content easily.

Focus on SEO

SEO, also referred to as Search Engine Optimization, is vital for the success of any business online. Learn how to use SEO to optimize your content for search engines.

You should use long-tail keywords in your content, meta-descriptions, and titles. They can also be used in subheadings. For images used throughout your content, add alt tags, to give search engines some context to understand them.

Share Useful Infographics

One of the best things about infographics is that they are high engaging and shareable. Collect useful information and data on your own, or from other websites to create engaging infographics.

Remember, the best infographics tell interesting stories. They make it easier for viewers to understand the information provided, which they can then use in their personal or professional lives.

Learning about expanding your brand online can make your business a success in no time. There are countless other tips online that will allow your business to reach new heights, but it is up to you to choose the appropriate strategies that fit your business needs and requirements.

If you have not started expanding your brand online, it is high time you start. Identify your ideal customers, develop your brand voice. Do whatever is required to make sure what you are offering is the absolute best hands down!