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The trump card of your Sales Game – Cloud telephony and VoIP

Sales! Yes, it’s one of the most tedious yet crucial parts that every business has to deal with.

If given a choice, every salesperson would be ready to make a switch. Starting from lead generation to effective team management, sales operations give migration to every salesperson. However, in the wake of technologies, a few key aspects of sales have become easy to combat.

For example, with the launch of social media, businesses are now getting more leads in fewer efforts and investments. One such technology that has changed the method for doing sales-related communication for businesses is cloud telephony.

By ditching traditional mode of voice signal transmission, the use of internet connection for the job in cloud telephony has made sales cost-effective, result-oriented and streamlined at every vertical. VoIP phone number is more than a telephony service. It is an effective business tool that businesses who seek to grow exponentially are using without any hesitation.

Is cloud telephony is really your trump card?

Let’s find out.

With cloud telephony, your sales team can work from a remote location.

The prospering businesses should never let any minor factor including location should hamper the growth. Your customers can call anytime and your sales team can’t afford to lose a lead just because of on-desk unavailability.

Cloud telephony comes with great call routing capabilities that can route the business phone numbers calls directly on the sales team’s VoIP phone number and allow the team members to make/receive calls from anywhere anytime.

This happens by using the call forwarding feature of cloud telephony.

By using this feature, you can route the incoming calls a particular local/Online phone number to any of the data-driven devices that your sales team members are using. Not only this. Your team can easily work from remote locations using cloud telephony as all the software required for communications are deployed on-cloud. All your teammates need to do is make user login and they can get access to all your business data.

Cloud telephony makes sales team data-rich.

No sales strategy will be successful if you don’t know your customers well and pitch accordingly. Cloud telephony brings various key business operations like CRM, sales, and marketing over a centralized place and helps businesses to gain insight into customers' needs.

With the help of in-built CRM offered by leading a virtual phone system, your sales team can know about –

Which product is selling fast?
What are the quality issues that customers are facing?
Which marketing campaign managed to attract customers’ attention easily?

And, so on…

Its aid is not limited just here. Your sales team will have all the information such as purchase history, past conversation, and contact details of every customer and gain a detailed insight into customers’ buying behavior. If your sales team has to make a call, there is no need to dial the number. The integration offers a click-to-call facility. All these things will be loved by all the sales team members and sales managers.

Cloud telephony offers a feature that everyone will love.

The life of a Sales professional is already so hectic. Taking note of every sales call manually makes it hard-to-bear for every salesperson. Having said that doesn’t rule out the importance of record-keeping of every sales call. Your sales team needs this to know what the customer’s past feedback was and what all needs to be done to improve the sales pitching.

Cloud telephony offers a whole suite of features that will streamline and automate multiple aspects at various levels. For example, your VoIP-based international phone number comes with auto call logging and recording facility. By using this facility your sales team is free from doing the manual bookkeeping of every sales call. All the calls will be auto-recorded and can be used at any time for future reference.

With CRM integration, you can share the information with other teammates. So, data sharing is also very easy. With the auto call answering feature, your sales team will be able to answer all the calls as soon as possible.

Cloud telephony lets your sales team do regressive and result-oriented follow-up.

Sales operation is a tedious job and we all know that it demands continuous and regress follow up to churn out the desired results. However, when things are handled manual, odds are high that your sales team can miss an important follow up.

Your cloud-based virtual phone number comes with a call reminder set-up facility. By using this facility, your sales team will never miss a follow-up. Whether you are using a VoIP calling app or call center software, cloud telephony will send you a pop-up reminder about the upcoming follow that will never go unnoticed. So, you are not going to miss out on any lead.

Final word

Great sales teams need a great tool to churn out great results. Cloud telephony is one great tool that will streamline everything and help you achieve success. So, yes, cloud telephony is the real trump card for you.

Photo by Marlene Leppänen from Pexels