20th Annual Last Gadget Standing Announces Top 10 Finalists
Hundreds of applications including cutting edge IoT devices, AI-powered devices, AR/VR, self-driving kits and more, submitted for a chance to be dubbed one of the top ten finalists for CES 2020 Last Gadget Standing. The Last Gadget Standing live event will take place at CES 2020 in Las Vegas on Thursday, January 9, at 10:30a.m. at the Las Vegas Convention Center, LVCC N255.
Congratulations to the 2020 finalists:
Lioness Vibrator, Lioness
MedWand, MedWand Solutions, Inc.
Octobo, Thinker-Tinker
WOWCube, CubiOs Inc
Orbi WiFi 6 Mesh, NETGEAR
ClearUP Sinus Pain Relief, Tivic Health
Phyn Smart Water Assistant, Phyn
Flic 2 Smart Button, Flic
DoodleMatic Mobile Game Maker, Tink Digital Inc
Ambassador Interpreter, Waverly Labs Inc.
At the live event on Thursday, January 9th attendees can experience electrifying demonstrations of the top ten products that have been selected by a jury of expert judges. The audience then votes on the product they believe is most likely to go on to CES fame. The voting is done using a non-scientific, but really raucous, applause-o-meter where microphones are secretly placed around the room. Those who can't attend the live event are invited to vote for the People's Choice Online award online beginning on Dec. 3rd.
The 20th Annual Last Gadget Standing is hosted by Jennifer Jolly, Emmy award-winning tech-life TV show host and writer for The New York Times. The contest's media and production partner, Getgeeked.tv, produces the famed halftime trivia contest where the audience can win exciting swag by correctly answering some arcane CES history.
Online voting for The People's Choice begins on December 3, 2019 and ends on January 7, 2020. The public can vote for their favorite of the entire list online at https://lastgadgetstanding.com/ by simply clicking the like button on the photo.
For more information, please visit https://lastgadgetstanding.com/.
SOURCE Living in Digital Times

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