What you can do to help a loved one in need during the holiday season

What you can do to help a loved one in need during the holiday season

Christmas is always a time of good cheer and fun where people celebrate and get together. There is often a lot of cooking involved, presents, snow, Christmas shopping and so much more fun activities. For some people, however, this can be a difficult period for them. People do have friends and family who are addicts or recovering addicts from substance abuse. For a recovering alcoholic, for instance, it can be quite hard to stay clean when everywhere you go people are celebrating by drinking. If we have such loved ones in our lives it is our responsibility to help them get through such times and to grant them the strength to stay committed. Below we have highlighted a few tips that you can use to do so.

1.Be supportive

The holidays are often the time when the whole family gets together after a busy year. It is often a time that everyone looks forward to since they get to see those loved ones that they have not been able to in a while. During such parties or gatherings, it can often be difficult for a person who is a recovering addict for instance. They may feel the temptation to isolate themselves to avoid the feeling of shame, as they may feel like a disappointment to the family. The best thing you can do for them at a time like this is to be supportive. Include them in family celebrations and treat them just as you will all the other family members. Avoid having some form of intervention at this time as they may feel ambushed and they may even isolate themselves more which is counterproductive to their progress.

2.Get them some help

You may have a loved one who is actively struggling with an addiction, be it alcoholic or otherwise and have recognized that they need help to overcome it. During this holiday season, one way to spread the love is to reach out to them and offer to get them some help. You can consider taking them to an inpatient drug rehab center which is very helpful. They will receive professional help for their condition and afterward will get back on the feet ready to take on life again. This would be such a wonderful gift for them this season.

3.Plan convenient parties

During the holiday season, it is quite normal for people to plan parties that are filled with alcohol and champagne for celebrations. This may be during office parties, thanksgiving, Christmas parties and so much more. If you have a loved one coming home for Christmas, for instance, then the best way to help them is to be more accommodating. If they are a recovering addict, then try as much as possible to have alcohol-free parties. Doing this will be such a kind gesture since you be eliminating all the triggers that could cause them to relapse. They need as much support and help as possible to stay clean and committed to their path, therefore, show some holiday spirit and be accommodating to them.

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

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