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How to Improve Your Overall Website Functionality

How to Improve Your Overall Website Functionality

Even the most established businesses struggle to attract consumers to their websites. The main reason behind their struggles is poor user experience. Consumers want to browse websites effortlessly. For this reason, business owners in industries ranging from retail to restaurant are improving their website functionality. As a business owner yourself, you need to do the same in order to increase your web traffic and, in turn, your sales. Read this post to learn how to improve your website's functionality.

Add Navigation Features

Firstly, navigation features positively impact any website's functionality. After all, consumers expect to find what they are looking for on a site easily. When a consumer visits a website and cannot find the search bar, they automatically become frustrated. As a result, they leave the site and move onto one of the site's competitors. Avoid this outcome by incorporating navigation features into your website design. Start by adding a search bar in a noticeable area of your homepage. Separate your website's categories and designate clear titles to each section as well. If you add these features to improve your navigation, you will boost your site's functionality.

Don’t Forget About DevOps During Development

DevOps is an agile philosophy that combines operations and development. Whether your business is a startup or a corporation, your website development (and anything built on a programming language) can benefit from this philosophy. Website development requires deployment of any code developed, and sometimes that could should be automated with DevOps tools from companies like JFrog. This reduces the chance of human error, and saves you time and money. One of the other benefits of using DevOps for web-based applications is that you can incorporate feedback throughout the development cycle, where as the traditional workflow demands the product be finish before feedback is considered.

Make Your Links Identifiable

Another tactic to improve your website's user experience is to make your links more identifiable. When links look the same as the rest of the text in a post, users have trouble finding them. Those users, therefore, rarely make it to the pages that the links direct to. If you want to keep consumers engaged on your site, you need to incorporate links into your posts that they can actually notice. Underline links, make them a different color or do both. As long as users can notice the difference, you will improve your website's functionality.

Increase Your Page Speeds

Moreover, increase your page speeds to enhance your website's functionality. Most consumers have little patience for sites that do not load quickly. For this reason, slower sites usually have higher shopping cart abandonment rates. The best way to avoid this outcome is by upgrading your hosting plan as soon as possible. If your site speeds are slow, you likely need a more advanced hosting plan that can meet more users' needs at once. The right hosting package will give you enough server resources to handle busy periods or spikes in traffic. Contact your hosting provider to inquire about a hosting plan upgrade as a way of improving the functionality of your site.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

Responsiveness is also key to improving any website's design. In today's busy world, consumers are constantly on the go. In fact, mobile users have eclipsed the number of desktop users on a daily basis. To reach these hustling consumers, you need to make your site mobile-friendly. That way, all of your site visitors can easily browse your site regardless of the device they use. At the same time, you will improve your search engine rankings by making your website mobile-friendly. In turn, more consumers will find your site, giving you more opportunities to boost your sales. There are numerous advantages to utilizing this top tactic for improving your site's functionality.

Run User Tests

Furthermore, run user tests to impress consumers with your website. When conducting user tests, focus on your site's core functions. They directly impact smaller functions within your site, making them more important to monitor. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to spend large amounts of capital on running user tests. You can find a variety of services online that can offer you reasonable prices. Look for a service that can run a test for you within a day for quick improvements. Ask them if they can test your ordering process if you sell products online. If you sell services, inquire about testing the ability to find certain pages. The more your service can test, the more you will boost your website's user experience.

One of the best ways to increase your online sales is to improve the functionality of your website. Keep consumers on your site by adding navigation features that enable them to find what they are looking for easily. Make your links easy to identify by underlining them and/or making them a different color. Upgrade your hosting plan to one that offers faster page speeds. Allow on-the-go consumers to browse your website easily by making it mobile-friendly. Finally, hire a service to run multiple user tests so that you never fall short. Use this advice to improve your website's functionality and boost your sales.

About Author:: Albert Cooper is a professional blogger and SEO advisor. He writes articles to rank his clients' sites on Google. You can search his content from Google to using the keywords "author Albert cooper". He is also a content advisor and writer of many blogs like,,,,,,, and many other blogs. You can contact him on facebook.

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