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Rebuff Reality announces VR Ears, Off-Ear Speakers for all Leading VR Headsets

Rebuff Reality announces VR Ears, Off-Ear Speakers for all Leading VR Headsets

Rebuff Reality, the world's leading Virtual Reality accessory company, has announced that the highly anticipated VR Ears is now available on Kickstarter. VR Ears delivers an unprecedented level of audio immersion to all leading Virtual Reality headsets including PSVR, Oculus, VIVE, and more. When using VR Ears you feel as though you live within the virtual world itself, instead of having sounds piped into your skull. These are your new virtual ears.

VR Ears During VR Gaming

Sound field that completely surrounds and engulfs you in the virtual world.
Pinpoint positional audio direction lets you "just know" where your enemies are.
Massive improvement in comfort means you can play for many hours longer.

VR Ears for 360 Video Streaming
Sounds that move every which way, with you and the video.
Don't just listen to the world, feel as though you live within it.

VR Ears for PC/Console Gaming (with Headstrap)
The sound immersion of VR Ears brought to all gaming applications.
The comfort of speakers with the positional accuracy of gaming headphones.


Before sound enters your ears, it bounces around all the flesh on the outer ear (pinna). This biological structure is in fact a large part of what helps you to perceive sound direction and contributes to the reason our ears are shaped in this strange way.

Our design utilizes the latest in off-ear, near-field speaker technology, alleviating discomfort caused by traditional over-ear, on ear, or in-ear headphones. Most headphones on the market are only passive. To be able to reach the optimum SPL (Sound Pressure Level) at the ear, we made VR Ears active, adding in a lithium polymer battery (lasts up to 8 hours), high efficiency Digital Amplifier and Digital Signal Processor (DSP).

The combination of incredible comfort, complete utilization of the outer ear for positional audio, and a fully immersive spherical sound stage means you will hear things you have never heard before in incredible new ways.

Kickstarter page:

SOURCE Rebuff Reality
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