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New TikTok Content House, "Breezy House", Launches Dare Me, a New Creator Economy App

New TikTok Content House, "Breezy House", Launches Dare Me, a New Creator Economy App

Breezy House, a new Los Angeles-based TikTok content house, today announced the launch of a new creator economy app, Dare Me, on Koji, the leading app store for social media creators. Dare Me gives creators the ability to monetize dares and challenges given to them by their followers. Breezy House's founding members aka the Breezy Boys are Ace Ackers, Jacob Day, Jackson Dean, Bryce Parker, Eddie Preciado, and Kristian Ramey—a group of TikTok creators who have collectively amassed over 410 million likes on their videos.

Followers and fans post dares to a creator's Dare Me app with a description of the dare and how much they are willing to pay to see it completed. Other users can view posted dares and boost them by donating more money. The creator can choose to complete the dare and keep the money, or refuse it and forfeit the reward. The app allows creators to interact directly with fans and involve them in the content creation process, all while effortlessly monetizing that same content.

"We grew up with internet challenges. Especially on TikTok, joining in these kinds of viral challenges is a great way to engage and grow an audience. Our new app provides a dedicated space to source challenges from our fans and create our own within the app, and we're excited to bring this powerful tool to other creators. I know we're really looking forward to the awesome stuff our fans are going to dare us to do with it," said Ace Akers, Breezy House founding member.

"The Creator Economy exploded in size and scope, giving content creators a variety of diverse avenues through which to earn money and interact with their audience in new and organic ways. Koji provides the infrastructure to rapidly launch and scale new modes of interaction, and we're excited Breezy Boys chose Koji as the place to launch Dare Me. We believe the next wave of the creator economy will be driven by creators themselves launching apps and becoming product owners," said Koji CEO, Dmitry Shapiro.

Dare Me is free to use and available today on the Koji App Store.


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