Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK V11.0: Enhanced Accuracy with Deep Learning

Dynamsoft has announced the release of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK C++ Version 11.0, bringing deep learning-powered deblurring and performance optimizations to improve barcode scanning accuracy and efficiency.

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK V11.0: Enhanced Accuracy with Deep Learning

Key Upgrades in Version 11.0

  • Deep Learning-Based Deblurring: Enhances the ability to scan blurry 1D barcodes, improving accuracy.
  • Improved Performance:
    • 8.6% increase in readability for blurry CODE 128 barcodes.
    • 50% improvement in scanning small, blurred DataMatrix barcodes.
  • Expanded Barcode Support: Now supports additional barcode types for healthcare, logistics, and security:
    • Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals: Ensures precise tracking of medications and patient records with CODE 32.
    • Postal & Logistics: Improves mail sorting and package tracking with KIX and MATRIX 2 of 5.
    • Library & Access Control: Enhances security and membership tracking using TELEPEN barcodes.

With these enhancements, Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK v11.0 is set to deliver even more reliable and high-speed barcode scanning for a wide range of industries.

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